Larklain Veterinary Services

5 Station Ave
Berwyn, PA 19073


About Fear Free

Can you imagine telling your dog, “Let’s go to the vet!” and seeing her tail wag? How about getting out your cat’s carrier and seeing him come running?

Larklain Veterinary Services is part of an initiative known as Fear Free, which is designed to ease the fear, anxiety, and stress so many pets experience while at the veterinarian.

Founded by Dr. Marty Becker and developed by hundreds of experts in behavior, medicine, and handling, Fear Free offers online and in-person education to veterinary professionals, the pet professional community, animal shelter staff and volunteers, and pet owners. Fear Free provides both professionals and pet lovers alike with the knowledge and tools to look after a pets physical and emotional wellbeing.

Pet owners can visit Fear Free Happy Homes to access free videos, articles, and more that will help improve the physical and emotional health of their pets right at home.

Shelter, rescue, and animal welfare employees and volunteers can visit Fear Free Shelters to enroll in the complimentary Fear Free Shelter program.

Fear Free PRACTICE Certification involves the creation of and adherence to approved Standard Operating Procedures for patient care, thorough documentation of certification requirements, interviews with all practice staff members, shadowing and patient visit assessments.

LVS is the FIRST veterinary practice in the Philadelphia suburban/Main Line area to achieve this certification.  In North America, although there are over 30,000 veterinary professionals who have achieved Fear Free individual certification, there are less than 200 veterinary practices which have achieved Fear Free practice certification.  

Practice Certification is a commitment to our patients and to you that a consistent, considerate approach will be demonstrated by every veterinary team member throughout every veterinary visit, from start to finish.  

Click the videos below to learn all about Fear Free Veterinary Visits - from how to get to one to what happens during one at LVS.

Fear Free Car Trips


Fear Free Visits