Acupuncture and Medical Massage
Ann Caulfield, VMD, CVA, CCRP provides these services at our office in Berwyn. Dr. Caulfield spearheaded the physical rehabilitation therapy department at the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine. She has lectured at professional conferences and published academically on physical rehabilitation as well.
Acupuncture Acupuncture can be an excellent adjunctive treatment for pets who suffer from a variety of health concerns, including: Orthopedic or soft tissue pain, both acute and chronic Neurologic conditions Gastrointestinal disorders Decreased appetite Supportive therapy for kidney and liver disease, including cancer
Medical Massage Therapeutic massage is an effective therapy for a wide variety of diseases and disorders such as: Chronic pain due to osteoarthritis, neurologic diseases and injuries Post-operative pain Cancer Muscle pain in active, working dogs, canine athletes and geriatric patients Gastrointestinal disorders Anxiety
Please call our office to discuss if either or both of these therapeutic modalities might be helpful for your companion animal. |